
Refugees and Migrants Project: The Syrian Refugee Crisis
By Arab Studies Institute, George Mason University's Middle East Studies Program, Roosevelt@Mason, Global Affiars, and Global Programs
10/26/2015 07:30 pm
Location: George Mason University, Research Hall 163
The Syrian Refugee Crisis
[Refugees and Migrants Series, Part 2]
Introductory Remarks
Lisa Breglia, Director of Global Affairs and Global Programs, GMU
On the Syrian Political Context
Bassam Haddad, Director of the Middle East Studies Program, GMU
On International Law and Refugees
Noura Erakat, Assistant Professor, New Century College, GMU
The Complexities of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Nidal Betari, Senior Program Manager at People Demand Change, and co-founder of Refugees Without Borders (RWB)
Statistics and Personal Narratives
Musaab Balchi, Researcher and M.A. candidate in the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program, GMU
26 October 2015 | 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Research Hall 163
A panel discussion and audience question and answer session on the roots, nature, and implications of the
“Syrian Refugee Crisis”
Pizza & Refreshments Served
Sponsored by Roosevelt@Mason, Global Affairs, Global Programs,
and Middle East & Islamic Studies Program
for more information, visit