
The Syria Crisis (Part II): Causes & Dynamics
By Bassam Haddad
11/14/2013 11:30 am
Location: George Mason University, Johnson Center Room A
The Arab Studies Institute (ASI) and the George Mason University Department of Public and International Affairs, and Graduate Political Science Society present "The Syria Crisis (Part II): Causes and Dynamics" by Bassam Haddad. This event is being held on Thursday November 14, @ 4:30PM at George Mason University, Johnson Center Room A.
All the other Arab uprisings are complex, but the Syrian case is endowed with added complexity because it is at the heart of various historical struggles in the region and beyond. As such, the Syrian uprising becomes a local, regional, and an international affair. The speaker will address the causes and dynamics of the Syrian uprising by examining state and society, the domestic and external opposition, the Islamicization of major parts of the opposition, the humanitarian/refugee crisis, and the international context.