مقالات جدلية الأكثر قراءة: المقالات التي يجب قراءتها
Worried that you might have missed a good article? The Jadaliyya team has put together the Top 100 Articles that are must reads! Enjoy!

- Waiting for Alia
- Why Mubarak is Out
- Egyptian Elections: Preliminary Results [UPDATED]
- Why the Western Media are Getting Egypt Wrong
- The Right to the City Movement and the Turkish Summer
- How Not to Study Gender in the Middle East
- "من المآسي المضاعفة للنزوح:فتيات سوريات للزواج "بثمن بخس
- Let's Talk About Sex
- Tragic Day for Norway; Shameful Day for Journalism
- What is a Virgin?
- Egypt's Three Revolutions: The Force of History behind this Popular Uprising
- Egypt's Revolution 2.0: The Facebook Factor
- الجيش والاقتصاد في بر مصر
- Sexual Harassment Video that Led to Removal of Rula Quawas as Dean at the University of Jordan
- The Idiot's Guide to Fighting Dictatorship in Syria While Opposing Military Intervention
- US on UN Veto: "Disgusting", "Shameful", "Deplorable", "a Travesty" . . . Really?
- The Poetry of Revolt
- Unpacking Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Discourse
- Jon Stewart's Theater of the Absurd
- What is Settler Colonialism?
- On Sheep and Infidels
- The Marriage of Sexism and Islamophobia; Re-Making the News on Egypt
- The Empire of Sexuality: An Interview with Joseph Massad
- The Army and the Economy in Egypt
- Neither Heroes, Nor Villains: A Conversation with Talal Asad on Egypt After Morsi
- Stuff White People Like n.135 Humanitarian Intervention
- Why Egypt's Progressives Win
- Letter to a Syrian Friend Who Said: ‘Your Opposition to the US Attack on Syria Means You Support the Asad Regime’
- Gay Rights as Human Rights: Pinkwashing Homonationalism
- ما الذي يحدث في مصر الآن؟
- "Was the Arab Spring Really Worth It?": The Fascinating Arrogance of Power
- Chemical Attacks and Military Interventions
- Orientalist Feminism Rears its Head in India
- Saeeds of Revolution: De-Mythologizing Khaled Saeed
- "V for Vendetta": The Other Face of Egypt's Youth Movement
- Paradoxes of Arab Refo-lutions
- Orientalising the Egyptian Uprising
- Asad Apologists: The Ostrich Syndrome
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali's War
- Brand Turkey and the Gezi Protests: Authoritarianism, Law, and Neoliberalism (Part One)
- UC Berkeley's New Chancellor Endorses the Falsehood: Criticizing Israel is Anti-Semitic
- Saudi Women: "I Will Drive Myself Starting June 17"
- الثورة المصرية تلفظ أبناءها؟ من كريم عامر إلى علياء المهدي
- Why Chuck Hagel Is Irrelevant
- جنرالات مصر ورأس المال العابر للحدود
- Everywhere is Taksim, Resistance Everywhere
- Tradition and the Anti-Politics Machine: DAM Seduced by the “Honor Crime”
- Open Letter from Alice Walker to Alicia Keys Regarding the Boycott of Israel
- Top Ten List: What to Expect From Ahmadinejad’s Visit to Lebanon (+ Arabic Translation)
- The Seven Wonders of the Revolution
- Month-by-Month Summary of Developments in Syria (Updated)
- Essential Viewing: Five Tunisian Films from a Postrevolutionary Perspective
- Letter Concerning Removal of Professor Rula Quawas from Her Post as Dean at the University of Jordan
- Missing Edward Said
- Politics at the Tip of the Clitoris: Why, in Fact, Do They Hate Us?
- Frantz Fanon and the Arab Uprisings: An Interview with Nigel Gibson
- My 50 Minutes with Manaf
- Freedom and Justice Party
- Lordy, Lordy, I Declare! Big Brother Is in My Underwear
- Two Years of Meta-Narratives: How Not to Cover Syria
- Timeline: Israel's Latest Escalation in Gaza
- Saudi Arabia's Silent Protests
- Solidarity and Its Discontents
- Occupy Gezi: The Limits of Turkey’s Neoliberal Success
- Morsi Past the Point of No Return
- The Uprisings Will be Gendered
- "We Are the Eight Percent": Inside Egypt's Underground Shaabi Music Scene
- Solidarity and Intervention in Libya
- Woman’s Work: The Twisted Reality of an Italian Freelancer in Syria
- What is Sharia?
- Sexual Violence in Egypt: Myths and Realities
- A Year in the Life of Egypt's Media: A 2011 Timeline [Updated]
- The Revenge of the Police State
- Preliminary Historical Observations on the Arab Revolutions of 2011
- Gays, Islamists, and The Arab Spring: What Would A Revolutionary Do?
- الطاغية إبن الطاغية
- NATO's "Conspiracy" against the Libyan Revolution
- Statement from the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the Massacre in Cairo
- War of Position and War of Maneuver: Sexperts, Sex Pervs, and Sex Revolutionaries
- Alignments of Dissent and Politics of Naming: Assembling Resistance in Turkey
- The PhD's Job Crisis
- The Case Against the Grand Egyptian Museum
- One Night in Hamra
- Roundtable on Post-Mubarak Egypt: Authoritarianism without Autocrats? (Full Series with Response by Brownlee)
- New Texts Out Now: Belen Fernandez, The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work
- E-Militias of the Muslim Brotherhood: How to Upload Ideology on Facebook
- A Critique of Reporting on the Middle East
- بانتظار علياء
- The Saudi Women Revolution Statement
- What If the Egyptian Protesters Were Democrats?
- Al-Nour Party
- The Revolution Against Neoliberalism
- Contours of a New Republic and Signals from the Past: How to Understand Taksim Square
- Egypt's ‘Orderly Transition’? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment
- Three Powerfully Wrong--and Wrongly Powerful--American Narratives about the Arab Spring
- Tribalism in the Arabian Peninsula: It Is a Family Affair
- Egypt's Other Revolution: Modernizing the Military-Industrial Complex
- The Muslim Brotherhood's Militias in Action: A Firsthand Account
- Imperial Feminism, Islamophobia, and the Egyptian Revolution
- The Concise Idiot's Guide to the Egyptian Elections